Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Saturday, December 23, 2017

It really worths watching it. Elizabeth Cochran , a wise woman, with her strongest power the knowledge and courage to do everything about equality. We owe a lot to her.
For the then time it was unusual to do whet she did. She was ready for everything.
So, a thanks must be said to her. As, what women have and enjoy in today’s society, is thank to her and many other women who gave their maximum and their best.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

I wanted to post this video because i found it very interesting and i thought that everyone should see this. I was impresed about this video because it was not a woman who is giving a message to all women but a man who is giving a message to all women. I was impressed also by his interpretation, how he reaised his voice by saying everything from his heart and this got me burst into tears. I hope everyone would see this and this man be a great example for every men in this world.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Word and the power of it , is the weapon and the key to the whole understanding of everything. So , the combination of these words, form a world full of emotions and conveys us messages. Life means equality, equality among people, and between genders.
By writing down thoughts, properly and meaningly can lead humanity to a better understanding of everything.

Sunday, December 10, 2017


Roast Beef, Medium: The Business Adventures of Emma McChesney by Edna Ferber

The Life You Save May Be Your Own, by Flannery O'Connor

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, a global campaign spanning from 25 November through 10 December, is taking place this year against the backdrop of an unprecedented global outcry. Millions have rallied behind the hashtag #MeToo and other campaigns, exposing the sheer magnitude of sexual harassment and other forms of violence that women everywhere suffer, every day. 

Read more:

Monday, November 27, 2017

We all know that she is a famous singer and have a perfect body... But why she has to use that kind of dress??
And we all know the answer, to attract more people at her concert.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

This is an advertisement for make up. I think this woman is being discriminated as she is used as an objectification towords to the clients.This is a phenomenon  which happens very often nowadays.
Also, this is causing a lot of problems to the women who don’t want to get objectificated , but they have to do follow the trend, or they just don’t have other choice.
In this commercial is shown a girl very exposed in order to promote the clothes she is wearing. It is thought that in this way she will attract even more costumers.
As it is shown in this photo the girl is exposing her body to attract customers to enter or visit the shop. There are a lot of ways to promote this product. So why we have to expose our body in this way?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

As we can see this woman is all naked except from her intimate parts which are covered with bottle corks. All this is done for one only purpose which is to attract more males to drink that kind of beer.
In this picture are shown different fotos of women wear in bikini to to attract the costumers buy those underwear. This way of commercial tells us  that women can attract men by wearing a pair of those. Why we should wear just to attract men. This shouldn't be a fact of how it shows. 

As we can see in those pictures there are shown different kind of  advertisments and there we can see also different Girls that are representing the image of these items using different ways of taking picture and they have decided to make it more attractive or to sound much more interesting to the customers and of course are doing this only having one purpose of selling the peoducts and having benefits from them. So different companies are using the image of the women as the men's one in order to make their products seem more interesting and sure having incomes and their own benefits.

Here we have a flour advertisement, but the first thing that grabs the attention is the woman in the picture.  There is not any quality that makes this type of flour special among the others ,but just that woman that has her chest exposed in a provoking manner. Here we buy just the image in fact. It is a great way to grab one's attention ,but is this the rights way it should be? Why a woman is objectified just to sell this simple product that all of us have in the kitchen?
this picture give a clear image of woman objectification in order to sell that kind of product. The advertisement is based on a typical stereotype.
The  connotation of this advertisement means that woman is addicted by jewels and this kind of product is so ''good'' that could be said it has priority to jewels. This is clearly for business purpose but also it affects on strengthening of stereotypes. It seem that woman is easy to objectified for any kind of purpose only just to make in this case this product  to be sold.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Let’s take as an example this post. The woman is advertising a certain brand of cosmetics. She has an extravagant outfit and  her body posture is quite provocative. She is supposed to advertise the make up stuffs, but I don’t think that it is conveyed this message. She is being “used” and her body too as an objectification towards the clients. It’s not her fault, she is just doing what the others do.
Let’s be more realistic. To understand the purpose of everything and to put sone certain limits to our lives. We might be able to criticize what does worth doing and what not.There are numerous women who get trapped every single day. This must be stopped .Women are not objects to be used in order the capitalists to earn money by them. But I believe that is a strong issue and needs time to be understood!!!!

Week V Assignment pictures

All students registered as authors can post pictures by clicking New Post on the top right corner of the blog. Then you can write a subject and a brief description or comment about the picture. Next,  you can upload the picture you have stored in your phone. I am using this picture as an illustration.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week V - Please read Laura Mulvey's PDF article and watch all the videos

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Discussion for every student: Please answer both questions in a clear way in the comments section below.

Are there negative consequences for a young woman who limits herself to traditionally female roles?
Are there negative consequences for a young man limiting himself to traditionally male roles? Please explain why for both questions.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Gender Stereotypes Activity

Week III

Gender, law, and religion

Pope Francis on Gender Studies

Meet Rosie the Riveter:

World religions (polytheism to atheism)

Religious doctrine, secularization, religious institution

gender and marriage rights, from child marriage to same-sex marriage laws in Europe and the US.

Property law, family law, human rights

Law and Violence against women

LSE podcast:

CEDAW Article 16 on marriage rights: 

National Women's Law Center:

Women's Reproductive Health Center:


Key terms: gender politics, gendered subject, polygamy, divorce, civil rights, marriage, women's health, women in jurisdiction, human trafficking, violence against women, domestic violence, war crimes against women, child marriage, female circumcision, HIV, HPV, and reproductive health access. 

Week II Readings

Links for gender pay gap

Gender Studies Course Syllabus

Essay: We Should All Be Feminists

First Video: We should all be feminists