Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Week III

Gender, law, and religion

Pope Francis on Gender Studies

Meet Rosie the Riveter:

World religions (polytheism to atheism)

Religious doctrine, secularization, religious institution

gender and marriage rights, from child marriage to same-sex marriage laws in Europe and the US.

Property law, family law, human rights

Law and Violence against women

LSE podcast:

CEDAW Article 16 on marriage rights: 

National Women's Law Center:

Women's Reproductive Health Center:


Key terms: gender politics, gendered subject, polygamy, divorce, civil rights, marriage, women's health, women in jurisdiction, human trafficking, violence against women, domestic violence, war crimes against women, child marriage, female circumcision, HIV, HPV, and reproductive health access. 


  1. I suppose that the law can be the woman’s best friend. As it can be possible in this way her “defense” from inequality issues. Even man should try much more as this issue concerns their mothers, sisters , women and daughters and more generally their whole life. I believe by protecting their family’s rights it’s as they protect their own one. As women is definitely a part of them.And that’s for sure.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. At some point I agree with the Pope's declaration. In my opinion, marriage in a church is a sacred decision between two people. It is a little bit hard for me to accept a marriage between two people of the same sex. They could be happy as a couple but if they decide to have a child for example, how would this affect the child's personality or character . Who would the child call a mother or a father ? I'm not against respecting their desires or behaviors,but I think there should be a limit. Another thing that the Pope mentioned were transgenders. They are people who are caged in the "opposite's sex body". They have the gender that they feel they don't belong to. This is terrible,indeed. Experiencing such a struggle, not feeling you belong to your identity it's horrible, I think. So, I am in favor of respecting other people's sexual preferences, but also I am in favor of the traditional marriage and family.
