Thursday, November 16, 2017

Video proving the point we made yesterday: insultive declarations against women deserve sanctions 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree with this declaration. Yes it is very insultive for women to blame for the depopulation when are men who force women to abort in many cases. They are the ones who should blame for the depopulation. Why they don't let women bring to life their babes but they excuse like it's too soon for them or don't have possibility to raise them. It's so unfair for women.

  3. I fully agree with that women. We should not be insulting in no way never ever we have to fight for our rights we are human and we have to live freely because God created us equally.

  4. there are everyday insulting against woman especially by the biggest company which uses mostly woman as objectification toward the product.what I want to say is the reaction against this topic. For example Audi made an insulting video in China advertising the car comparing to a marriage when a mother in low check the bride by eyes, ears, teeth as she was a livestock. In this case a strong reaction came from China that found this video disgusting and the impact were seen in buying the product (the Audi car)where the costumers change their mind because of the objectification and insulting advertisement of woman. Then Audi apologized. What about the others!!???

  5. It's a shame that women are blamed for the depopulation. It is just an excuse, because men also leave their houses because of their jobs or other daily activities they have. So why is it that women should be blamed?? Women are not suposed to stay inside just to have babies and raise them afterwards.

  6. of course there should be sanction because nowadays we have to protect woman against misogynism. It is because of this hatred of women that women are found in such difficulties. In this case where the declaration cams from a member of European Parliament Mike who always has shown misogynizm against woman. He accused women as less intelligent and for that they should be paid less, and in this case blaming women for depopulation, this is unacceptable. He not only should have sanctions but also should be expelled from the European Parliament!

  7. Of course I agree with this declaration because a women should not be blamed only because she wants to be free and work for herself. It is not only women duty to raise children and take care of is everyone's duty. So why should they be blamed for depopulation?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I totally aggre with te women in the video.It is very insultive for a women to be blamed on that way for the depopulation.All we are equial and everyone should respect what the others think and say.So women should not be blamed.

  10. I fully agree with this declaration. Being misogynist means hating all the women. But It is for sure that all man have at least one woman at their life. Why should a man have such opinions against the human figure. It has no meaning to blame women for everything and more specifically doe depopulation.
