Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week VII

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 


  1. In this book john embodies a typicaly male view of the world,he is dismissive,pragmatic,stoic,in contrast to his wife and does not take her emotional concerns very seriosly. She is enable to communicate since John has removed her means of self expression and dismisses any sugestion she make about her own live. I think that John is egoist because no one have the right to control your live even your own husband.

  2. I can say that from a literary point of view it was a bit of a horror genre a mind war and visions that robbed the narrator into a prison which prevented her to do even a little work or fill her day. Now in the social context it may represent a scream against that kind of prison. She in her mind after the wall paper through the scene of light and shadow used to see women through the bars of the window. It means that in this period women are not let to work, or are treat as home decoration and not as human with a potential to think and act at their own. Society is against women thoughts they should do simple tasks as home duty represented in the story as (rest as much as possible during day for the sake of her wealth)and everything else she would let her husband to think about in this case everything else is duty to man to cope with. So the narrator feeling the pressure of society of being home imprisoned she want to brake the wall paper in order to feel free and let other women free.

  3. I read this book and I got impressed. I’m so sorry about this woman because she’s “isolated “ in her house. Staying all the day at home of course u will get depressed and u will imagine things that in reality don’t exist. The responsible person about her mood is her husband who do not say her to work. The society is becoming worst and worst . I think women should raise her voice for their rights in order to not get depressed staying home all the day.

  4. Alright, when I read the yellow wallpaper I got a different vibe. I felt really sorry about that innocent woman that suffered a lot from her husband. At night the narrator describes the pattern as changing. As time passed, she increasingly felt the desire to tear it down. The windows and the yellow wallpaper represented the jail cell for the lady in the wall. Once narrator couldn't bare it anymore, she looked herself in the room and put the key under the leaf. She proceeded to tear down the wallpaper, she destroyed everything when her husband back home he saw everything like a disaster and his wife " crazy" crawling around the house.

  5. When I read this book I really felt sorry for that woman who was suffering a lot of staying at home all day alone and being prevented of doing anything else in spite of the houseworks.That means that nowadays the woman in the society is consedered just to stay at home taking care about the children and the house. That's the problem that women deal with nowadays.They are prevented of doing a lot of things, to hve a job for example , to have something else to do etc.This example is a great message for all us because this women in the book was suffering aot just staying at home alone because her husband was a physician and he had to work a lot and even in nights if he had a difficult case and because she was spending the days inside the house without going out one day and she was alone her mental brakedown become complete . That's why women should have the same rights as men to have a job, to have freedom , the opportunity to choose etc.What grabbed my attention was that yellow Wallpaper that was the mks important point in this story. How did she became so obsessed with that wallpaper and that wallpaper was that destroyed her.

  6. The woman presented in this text is a woman suffering mentally. She and her husband John, are renting a beautiful estate for the summer. Her husband believes that she has a temporary nervous depression. He tells her to take care of herself and to rest as much as possible. She obeys her husband when it comes to everything. She likes spending her time writing but her husband and others tell them that this is not a good idea. As she is getting cured, she has basically just to stay and not to get tired: to rest. She lives in a house where she fells uncomfortable. She is forbidden from doing activities, and what she enjoys . So, she becomes absolutely obsessed with the yellow wallpaper in her mind, she is out of her mind. She begins fanitically and soon becomes convinced that there’s a woman trapped within the paper. And she decides to free the trapped woman by stripping the wallpaper off. When the husband comes into the room, she declares that she is free. John faints, he sees his wife creeping around the room and peeling the paper off the wall.

  7. Having a life put into frames is very hurtful. You live in a cage that might seem as having everything that a person needs,every facility and comfortability, but in the end it's just a cage. The "cage" in fact of this woman are her own thoughts. She is an overthinking person and her thoughts have become her spirits enemy. Her husband in fact thinks she only needs a rest,but what she actually needs is to express herself and he is not letting her to do so.

  8. So this story is helpful as it concerns the perception of feelings. Those who fulfill every gap of us and make us a better person too in many aspects. It’s not about not doing nothing, its all about doing a lot in order to improve this mental problem. Nowadays this happens frequently, and it’s needed to understand the real problem and to manage all situations in a better way.

  9. I feel very sorry for that woman. Eventhough her husband loves and takes care for her she still feels bad. She can't stand staying closed in the house without having the opportunity to enjoy other things. Ok, it is true that she has to obey to some things in order to recover from that illness, if we can call in this way, but her husband is not behaving in the best way possible. He has to hear what she feels and what she wants to do, not always saying you have to do this and that and so on,because it does not solve anything. She doesn't feel free to say what she thinks and keeps things inside her mind, overthinks, this doesn't help her at all.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Reading this story makes you feel very bad about the condition of this woman. Because of her illness she is obliged to stay isolated all day long. Her husband who takes care of her thinks this is good for her and her health. But no one understands what she feels and keeping her locked made her fall into depression even more.

  12. I just finished reading this story.It makes everyone feel sad about the woman.She is staying all the time at the home,even that her husband take care for her this is not sufficient for the women.Her husband thinks that this is a good thing at all for the women but being isolated isn't helping her.I think that is the woman who should change,because she is in a very bad emotional contidions.

  13. This is a very intersteing book to read for everyone. It touches you very deeply in your heart and it shows a real story of our life. And in this real life are people who suffer from this, they got deppressed and noone can understand them to make something that they improve or let them do what they like but they think that if we are sick we don't know how ti improve our helath and it's in their hand to do so but in some way it is incorrect because sometime they choose wrong way. They close you in your world and they think you are crazy or you over react everything. I totally disagre with that and i want to say all men try really to understand women and respect them because they take care of you everyday, they feel when you are sick, when you are good. Don't say that women can't understand anyone because you choose to not understand them and if you so then you are selfish.

  14. In this story I understand that the woman's right was denied. I'm sorry for this woman who has been treated in this way. This woman is very stressed because she is closed every day. Women should have the same rights as other people and have the right to choose for their own lives.The main responsible for this situation is her husband who does not allow her to decide for her own life. If he were able to understand that, everything would be in the right way.

  15. As far as i read the story there is treated a very interesting issue in the text and what i really felt sad about was the woman that used to be isoleted during all her life. I can say that i cabt imagine myself doing so, staying all the time in a single room not attending different events that might be happening in the other outside world. From the first point of view it semmed like her husband was taking care a lot for telling her to stay all the day and not getting worried about anything and it seemed like that was something good to her, but she herself didn't find that something useful. The only thing she really needed was to get out to take care of everithing that was sorrounding her life like the decoration of her house, to deal with the garden the flowers or things like that but on the other side she was" Forced" to behave as her husband had taught her to do. I feel sorry about her because i wouldn't have the dare to obey what somebody is telling me to do or to get out of everything that might be happening outside.

  16. i think that John loves his wife but he choose a bad way to help his wife to recover. I think that he isolation part only will damage her. He doesn't leave her to write or to work in the garden ,all these could help to recover her condition. But he is determined to do so and he even force her to stop writing. She is always disturbed from the yellow paint in her bedroom but after she finds herself inside that picture.

  17. "The yellow wallpaper" describes the treatment of women during a rest cure prescribed for nervous disorders. The woman is suffering from "nervous depression" and of her marriage too,and her doctor is John who is her husband. Her husband helps her a lot but she doesn't go out of home and stay there everyday doing the chores, but he doesn't understand that staying only at home makes her worse and worse everyday.
