Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Discussion for every student: Please answer both questions in a clear way in the comments section below.

Are there negative consequences for a young woman who limits herself to traditionally female roles?
Are there negative consequences for a young man limiting himself to traditionally male roles? Please explain why for both questions.


  1. I think that limiting yourself in general is the worst thing that you can. As if you put limits, (no matter what gender you are) is the same thing to put limit to the real yourself and what you aim to be. Today’s society is becoming more and more challenging. That means there is no space for stereotypes and traditionally male/female roles. So the consequences are for both the genders negative. The typical role of the woman will be concentrated within the house , that means not being treated equally, not having education, and not to obtain their rights. In the same situation, men have to live under the pressure that men are supposed to do only some particular things. So they may lose many aspects, opportunities and chances that would like to try and to live , but are not allowed to. So , my personal conclusion is that traditional roles are just stereotypes which stop both men and women from dreaming and achieving.

    1. I agree about the traditional role that are just stereotypes. It seems that both gender have adapted the 'role' without contradiction or opposing it.


  2. There are many negative consequences because women may lose chances with which it can create a very good future. She may lose self-esteem and self-confidence. I do not think a woman should follow the traditions of past generations because the times have changed and we must be equal in every direction.

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  3. Yes there are for both of them. A woman might loose self confidence and stay apart from the rest of society. If she does that she won't be able to give different answers for certain questions.
    That is true even for men. They are always considered as strong and that are they who have to work and bring money at home. In this case they may feel under pressure.

  4. Of course there are consequences. A woman will have to quit from everything and her priorities will be only house chores. She will have to quit her dreams and her life goals, she will limit herself in every aspect of her life.

    The same thing is for the man,they will feel under pressure if their only duty will be working all day in order to provide money.

  5. Firstly are women whose choose to live the traditionally female role and put down themselves,because we can more than anyone can imagine. The woman is the most important person in that she that can work outside and inside the house without having a help from someone else,but no one can figure out that thing.

    And the second question man choose to live and live everyday with the traditionally man role. That fact make them not helping their mothers,sisters,wifes...they think about what others may think for them if they did some chores or something else and that is a very negative effect for them.

  6. the consequences may affect the young women's life in many aspects. Firstly in education which is the most important issue that can lead young women to have a self-consideration and to see their strength and potential in order to fight for their rights. Secondly in mentally aspect because being inferior can lead to a self-destruction. and thirdly in economic, women are worth and do work more than men who are paid for hours of work. women work all day every day at home and never get paid for that.

  7. regarding to men I think it is better to crash the typical model of man maybe the consequences could be beneficial for both gender :)

  8. Yes, in my opinion there are negative consequences for both genders.
    If a woman limtis herself to traditional female role when she is young, later she will have problems with self confidence and evaluation for herself. She will keep an indiferent role and will be afraid to give her oppinion in a relationship. She will always depend on her man to take decisions.
    If a man limits himself to traditional male role when he is young later he will have an excessive self confidence which sometimes leads to conflicts in a relationship because he will always think that his actions or thoughts are always right.

  9. Of course there are negative consequences. Women whose self-concept is shaped by ideas of femininity, have a limited understanding of their possibilities and capacities-particulary their physical and intellectual abilities. This limiting self-concept, can interfere with women's ability to make choices that lead to independence and personal fulfillment. Also, ideas of masculinity can limit a man's self-concept in a way that prevents him from fulfilling his true potential and pursuing his passions. Significant pressure is placed on men to succeed economically, physically, and sexually. While they are discouraged from developing health emotional life

  10. For both gender are negative consequences.
    For women the education is very important issue because without education they can limit theirselves in every aspect of their life's.It can brings a lot of problems later on in economy of their family and in different areas. It's all worthy for man too.

  11. In my opinion there are negative consequences for both gender because they will be put under pressure from the society. Without the right education they will not understand their rights and will not work in an appropriate job and because of that they will have problems with the economy of the house. Also with all those problems they will be depressed and not live life how they want.

  12. I think women should be aware of their potential and fight against for their rights

  13. I think women should be awarw of their potential and fight against for their rights

  14. I agree that both women and man should not limit themselves to traditional roles. Consequences will always be negative . In a way or another women will be the one to carry all the responsibilities of the house and wont be appreciated and the man will be the one to stay all day doing nothing and still taking the credits for all the job.

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  16. According to my opinion i think that for both genders there will have negative consequences according to this issue because it will reflect in their present lifes and they will face different difficulties or better to say they will be something out of the present life.

  17. When we all come to life that means that we all are born free and equal.We all have the same rights.I think that Universal Declaration of Human Rights is very important for a lot of reasons.Firstly,because all humans beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and thought/opinion and that mean that should express their opinion about everything and not just staying back and not saying it because they are afraid .Secondly , everyone should have the opportunity to work , to find a work because it is in their rights to have food to eat, to have clothes to wear, to have a house to live in. Moreover, everyone has the right to fight for their rights and interests.That's why this declaration is very important.

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  19. Of course there are negative consequences.In my opinion women should be free and educated.They have the same rights as man.Every women should have the opportunity to be educated in order to be independent from her family and her husband. She should be experienced in everything in order to avoid mistakes which come from their isolation. Also man should be strong and self confident for themselves. They have to work hard in order to build a great future for themselves and for their families. So, both genders have the same rights and they should be equal, not isolated.

  20. For both ,men and women there are negative consequences. Once you are put into a frame,you cannot escape. The fact that women are adviced to behave in "proper" manners,as a future wife of their husbands ,because otherwise they will be considered as a not obidient one,is very hurtful. On the other hand, men are adviced by their relatives,(the worst case ,their mothers) to behave in a harsh way towards their wives because this way they will be "respected" by them. This behaviour that man are taught to have,will lead to a great barrier and lack of communication,and as a result,even destroying a marriage. The fact that both,man and women ,have to follow the same path as people traditionally have done,creates many conflicts when one behaves different,as he wishes not taking into consideration how he or she will be judged by the others. So,being a woman or a man ,everyone should be free of their choices and how to behave.

  21. I think that there are a lot of bad consequences at all for both,man and women.
    Limiting yourself is not a good think and and it has a negative effect on the life of a certain person,man or women.All the women should have their rights,should be equal,should be treated as thevsame,should be respected and to have their place on the society and the man's too.But limiting yoursef does not permite you to make this things.
    So,to conclude with i think that limiting yourself yourself is such a bad thing for both man and women.

  22. Yes there are bad consequences for both genders because we need to follow the future not the past.
