Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week IV Materials

Top TED talks by teens

American women writers and war literature

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women) 

Words to Action (a UN newsletter on Violence Against Women)

CEDAW Albania Report

1 comment:

  1. The word human is equal to the word rights . Each of us is a human being, so all of us have rights but and responsibilities at the same time. So, we have all to respect these ones whatever nationality, colour , religion etc we have. I strongly believe that the Declaration of Human Rights it’s a huge step for humanity as in this way it is shown that we are all humans at all. In our subjec we are concentrated on woman’s rights which are too important also. The way they are treated, the way they desire to live and more generally women’s life should/must be equal to the men’s life!!!!
