Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week VI

Objectification theory

"The Beauty Myth", Naomi Wolf 


  1. This text is about the point of view as it concerns the expected relationship between beauty and the female in today’s world. Nowadays women are treated better in many aspects of life than the past ; e.g professional life, social life etc. Beauty’s myth has to do with the obsession with the perfect physical appearance. In this way women get trapped and at many occasions are being objectificated.Today’s society expect women to be perfect, especially as it concerns physical appearance to be in a high level. So , in a kind of way society wants to get attracted only by the external beauty. And women do continue this pattern as they think it’s the proper thing.

  2. It is every women's dream to look beautiful and have a perfect physical appearance. Especially nowdays it is the most imporatnt thing for every of them and that is the reason why they make plastic operations in order to look perfect. It is their choice and everyone should respect them, eventhough it might not be the best choice. Women are assaulted by the beauty mith in different areas: work,religion,sex,hunger etc. They can do whatever looks good to them without being punished by different ideologies.

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  4. what I sow in this book is the paradox of female liberation and female beauty. That means if women are always seeking for equality in terms of liberty and right as men but in the other side they are going into a prison of that kind of 'beauty' because to obtain that kind of beauty they may undergo through physical abuse to have a sharply appearance or even under surgery or what else in order to fulfill a plastic image of what they call beauty. So all this obsession has do do with their concept of being equal of having the same opportunity as man or to do with the fight against female abusing. Now this myth is being followed in fanatic way mostly by the young women/girl to have a perfect face with lot of method of make-up. to have a perfect body with starving in order to lose some wight and to have surgical interventions to blush the lips and so on.

  5. This novel focuses mostly on feminism most of the time. The author Naomi Wolf describes different situations where women is shown. Many womans believe that the ideal definition of beauty is what is shown on media. According to Naomi Wolf the standard of beauty is actually pushing women of expressing themselves."Beauty is about behavior, not appearance "-she claims.

  6. This book treats a lot of topics. One of those topics is how images of beauty are used against women.Wolf writes that women "should have the choise to do whatever they want with their body or face without being influenced by others. According to Wolf the real problem is our lack of choise and the low self-esteem. We should have the freedom to choose. The industry play games with us.Let's take an example: If we go to a shopping store to buy something and it does not fit than our first thought would be that "I am fat " and not that that store has unreal sizes. We do not want to see the truth that the industry want's to make us feel that we are not enough .And they do this because they need to keep consuming. That's why we should have the freedom to go to a fashion store and not feel bad about ourselves.You should do everything that makes you happy or good not because the society want's you feel like that.

  7. This film speaks about the female beauty. The wolf says that standards of physical beauty has grown stronger and female beauty has gain more power. In some point of view I think that’s true and sometimes this works but this is not right. It should be all about skills to get a work or something else. Beauty myth it’s about man power and institution too. Beauty can be in many aspects in behavior too. So it’s not specified.

  8. The beauty myth. Hmm I really hate to break it , but reality it what it is, not what feminist want it to be. Sexually desirable traits are objective, biological factors completely beyond our control. A few decades of feminist doublethink isn't going to undo a billion years worth of evolutionary selection. It is just going to happen. If women think they can not take care of theirseleves and still be sexually desired than they're in for rude awaking. You don't see women asking homeless men out regardless of how wonderful their personality is because they're of much lower status and therefore attractive. This is just reality . This isn't to say that less attractive people don't any value. That's equally ridiculous. I also agree that the measures some people take to achieve beauty are close to insane and some of the perceived standards of beauty are prevented:size 0!!!

  9. As we have seen that there has women that love to show their part of being a real female and there are other girls that try to accept themselves and to get accepted by the society as they are for real and as they seem in everyday's life. But i think that, despite being a woman and having to many occupations on your life even dealing and taking care of yourself is a main point. If a female wants to look as much attractive and to get as much estimated by all the others. But them main reason is that a girl or a woman should take care and should look like i said because maybe its going to influence on her self_esteem and also she is going to have a more self_ confidence on themselves.

  10. In my opinion The Beauty Myth has changed during the times and had been misinterpreted and nowadays has build up a multimillionaire cosmetic industry. The term of Beauty Myth has changed and too many people forget that The Beauty Myth is all about the behavior. And it is not closely related with the appearance.

  11. In that book are treated a lot of different topics but the one which attract me more is one which talks about the meaning that all of us must have in our minds:"Beauty is about behavior, not appearance. "

  12. All women are beautiful in their own way and by nature. But how is it possible that they are seeking for perfection more and more nowadays? Starting from plastic surgery, which in my opinion, it ruins the natural balance of human body. Cheekbones that look like mountains on the face ,that thin nose that is impossible to be that way naturally. It all looks fake,really. All commercials, films or even dolls that little girls play ,show us how a" perfect image " of women should be. Is this objectification of women's body that makes all of them to seek for perfection, to lose some weight or have a plastic surgery in their face or body.
