Monday, November 20, 2017

Let’s take as an example this post. The woman is advertising a certain brand of cosmetics. She has an extravagant outfit and  her body posture is quite provocative. She is supposed to advertise the make up stuffs, but I don’t think that it is conveyed this message. She is being “used” and her body too as an objectification towards the clients. It’s not her fault, she is just doing what the others do.
Let’s be more realistic. To understand the purpose of everything and to put sone certain limits to our lives. We might be able to criticize what does worth doing and what not.There are numerous women who get trapped every single day. This must be stopped .Women are not objects to be used in order the capitalists to earn money by them. But I believe that is a strong issue and needs time to be understood!!!!


  1. This issue goes beyond the boundary because the woman objectification is exploited mostly by the greatest company and they have the huge impact of creating and strengthening the stereotypes neglected woman's right of not being insulted
