Sunday, December 3, 2017

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, a global campaign spanning from 25 November through 10 December, is taking place this year against the backdrop of an unprecedented global outcry. Millions have rallied behind the hashtag #MeToo and other campaigns, exposing the sheer magnitude of sexual harassment and other forms of violence that women everywhere suffer, every day. 

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  1. Violence is not the solution to the problems. There are a numerous ways to solve all of them. When a man acts violently, he is lowering his levet at minus 0 grade. He is losing all his dignity. However women should find a way to protect themselves. It’s not about accepting the fact that she is being violented, but it’s about doing everything to stop the men from being violent. Moreover, Campaigns and protests are great ideas to spread this message.

    1. you are right. violence is not the solution to the problems.

  2. it is to be welcome the initiative of the campaign of students in Bangladesh about woman sexual harassment. students not only girls but mostly boys are ware of the harmful behavior against women but they also have involved political structures to give a "stop" to such behaviors. Now the point is that the law exist but not its implementation. Hope that such campaign would have more widely impact and effect not only in this are but all over the world

    1. Yes, I completely agree with you. I do believe that this campaign will help to their mission.

  3. Many people see violence as the best solution for some problems, but it doesn't solve anything, in fact it makes things getting worse. I think those campaigns are very helpful and people should be concerned about them and why not being part of this types of campaigns.

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  5. I do agree that whenever we through our eyes there is violence and mostly this of men against women. Maybe the reasons my vary from one to the other but i do not think that there should be violence to solve the problem or acting such that is not a smart way of going in a positive result but is something on which people should get concerned to to fully stop it those violent acts. I also think that those campaigns are the greatest way of making people all over the world aware of it and to start and think about the consequences that derive from violence. In every place there should be created such campaigns and the people or the victims of those actions should raise their voice.

  6. 'me too' gives a clear view of what we should do. I like their slogan 'leave no one behind' we have to treat each of us as human being not as object to be broke hurt and even to take someone's life. we should treat others as we want to be treated!

  7. Any act that threatens the well-being of an individual is termed as abuse. Violence is not only physical abuse, but emotional, economic, verbal, and sexual. Many times a woman feels that the abuse is her fault, that she has made a mistake. But NO. The deduction is false; abusing is the abuser's fault, not the victims. I know a famous campaign "Bell Bajao" which encouraged residents to stop domestic violence by ringing the doorbell whenever violence was suspected. But many people thought that this was not their business and walked away hoping for another person to help them. We should help women every time we encounter violence. We tend to ignore the fact that help is needed from both sides. The abuser needs to go for psychological counceling and should have management therapy, while the victim needs counceling to make her more self and individuality to make her more independent am self-assured...

  8. Violence is never the right answer to any situation. These campaigns are a great choice to make people reflect on violence. Being part of them has a lot of benefits like to educate people and young children against violence.

  9. We hear everyday about violence on TV , at school , from our friends , our relatives etc. But we should do something to prevent this. This cannot be continued anymore.All are human beings , all are equall , all have the same rights. Why should violence be maybe the solution for someone?! It is not a solution it's the worst solution. We should say no to the violence against women.There should be a lot of ways how women can protect themselves.Violence just gets the things becoming worst.That's why I like this campaign "me too" " leave no one behind" .It may be a solution for a lot of women who need protection.

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  11. First of all, violence is not the solution to any kind of conflict. People who have a narrow point of view about life in general, being women or men are very likely to be violent since they always stick to traditions and what history provides. Secondly, sexual harassment is a very concerning issue,and the initiative of girls in Bangladeshi is to be congratulated. Since many girls are afraid to accept it first of all and men think of it just like a funny thing to do. They are not aware of how damage they may be causing to women and girls.

  12. Gender inequality and discriminatory laws that trap women poverty and fail to protect women from violence render them to vulnerable to prostitution and trafficking unfortunately. Violence get things becoming like a disaster. When we discuss about violence it is always,, mos of the time that victims are women . And the statistics are truly traumatic. We all have to take steps to solve that common problem that always is increasingly !!! Everyone is free to choose her/his love they shouldn't be obligated...

  13. I think that violence isn't the solution of problem.There are many ways to slove the problems but men don't think the right solution but act with violence.Women always try to find a solution but they don't do because they are always threatened by their partners.When women are raped they should talk to their family, because violence can go to a crime. These problem come from jealousy and the economy in family.

  14. Thinking that violence help you to solve the problems is wrong.There are other manners expect of violence.People that belive that violence can help you are definitely wrong.I totally aggre with these campaigns.They will help people reflecting that violence can't change anything.

  15. In our everyday life we see news that a man killed his wife for weak reasons and it can't pass a day without those news. What we are doing, what are you doing man, is this the reason to solve your problem?? How do you feel now that you now live into four walls isolated, is this the life you want?? Is this the life you want for your children's future, to be without parents without mother and father?? No this is not the right choice that should be follow. You should live life together with your family happy despite bad conditions or anything else. Everything has a solution but it is for sure that it is not the violence.

  16. VIOLENCE DESTROYS RELATIONS.Everyday we hear in news about women who are violated because most of the people see violence as the solution for bad situations.Violence isn't the solution for bad situations but instead the communication can solve almost everything.

  17. Violence is making our lives harder and harder. Everyone must do something to does not have violence in our life. In Albania and a lot of places in the world have "Gender Violence" and we have to fight against it everyday do make our lives better and easier. I'm in love with one expression that all of us must live " A life without the threat of violence for everyone "

  18. Violence against women's it is a bad thing. Because you are a coward if you violate a women.
