Friday, December 15, 2017

Word and the power of it , is the weapon and the key to the whole understanding of everything. So , the combination of these words, form a world full of emotions and conveys us messages. Life means equality, equality among people, and between genders.
By writing down thoughts, properly and meaningly can lead humanity to a better understanding of everything.


  1. Such a worthy information. Gender equality is like a freedom, for all of us , we are all aware of that fact that is present every moment or every day maybe. We see women suffering a lot . But we so ? We pretend we are equall but the reality is completely different. We have to fight hard and hard to achieve gender equality. Not only to achieve but to practice it and to follow day by dy.

  2. the poem of Gender Inequality express so clearly the reality of this big issue. the expression; 'No matter man or woman, we are born into roles.' revels the sad truth of being two innate opponents. it seems that we are born to play in a big stage the predefined roles divided by gender. We must step down from this scene and embrace people of both sexes as human being not as role players... Thank you Anxhela, It is a good poem

  3. It is a very interesting post, gender equality is a great freedom to live our life happy and to say that we really lived our life and not to have things to regret that we didn't do.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. While I was reading the poetry in the link that you have post in my mind came the diagram that we did in the class in the first hour we said that men aren't sensitive and are strong but in the poetry is written : "Men have feelings but they don't express"

  6. Every time i face with the term Gender equality in my mind come across a expression which says: ''Men are from earth, and women are from earth. Deal with it" Its interesting becouse it lets you understand that the God created us at the same place with the same rights. So gender equality is not a woman's issue but a human one that affects us all
