Thursday, December 14, 2017

Week IX


Poem by Sojourner Truth (1797-1883)

Emily Dickinson selected poems.

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, by Harriet Jacobs 


  1. The poem, Ain’t I Women grapped my attention. It conveyed me a variety of emotions.
    The woman who is portrayed here is one who expresses her dislike about the way she is being treated for the fact she is a woman. Women are supposed to get helped, to be given a best place . But she doesn’t get anything from them at all. She can do many things as man can , she has born 13 children. A man says that a woman can’t be equal to a man , as Christ was male. However, what she says is that Christ, cone from God and a woman too.
    So.this is a poem with a “clear” message, that God made all of us equal. Despite of whatever fact, we are all equal among each other.

  2. This poem was very important to me. All should know that a woman is equal with a man too. She can born even 13 children. God created us all equally. We also have blood,, bones,, a powerful body too we can eat as a man do or even the more . And why Christ was a male ? But where Christ come from? From a great mother that was Marie.

  3. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, by Harriet Jacobs; such a breathless and creepy novel. I haven't finished it. but through the few pages I read I learned the story and the saga of a girl born slave and fought for her rights even though she was skeptic about the her future but mostly about her freedom. I can't wait to learn what will happen in the end if she will succeed.

  4. Women are mostly considered to be the most delicate part of the society. In my opinion, this is not true,because women can be even stronger than men actually. It is biologically impossible for a man to give birth to a child, imagine this woman has given birth to 13 children. A huge strength and power, indeed. What grabs my attention in this poem,is the phrase :" Christ was a male" and for that, men are more prominent than women. But Christ was born by a woman,Mary. So his holy figure would not be complete without her presence. Men and women are equal in terms of sharing the same rights and responsibilities.

  5. Ain't I A Woman was a very interesting poem.It shows that all the women are equal with men.This poem shows how a women should be treated differently just because it is a women.Just because a women is delicate does'nt mean that they could not do something that a man can do.We are all equal and should be treated like this.

  6. Ain't I a woman, the poem strongly shares concept that everyone seem to miss. the worth of being a woman. the strength and kindness all component of a human being.

    Woman is the hand which holds you.

    She is the air in every breath

    She can burst her chest until death

    To feed the love and hope too

    She is brimmed with love and care

    No flower can bloom as the woman genteel

    No star can bright as the woman smile

    She is the life in all stretch

    The light in heart as sun in sky

    Forgetting that; how you can dare?

    Love means live it and share,

    Not to cut a branch because it’s twisted

    To act in truculence is not fair

    So think a little to be kind-hearted.

    Manjola Hoxholli (2017)

  7. All consider women as delicate human beings, but is that true? They can do everything that a man does, work a lot , eat the same quantity of food as man and so on.God created all of us to be equal and have the same rights. This women in this poem works really hard and shows that women are as strong as man and none should judge them and treat them as weak human beings.

  8. Ain't i a woman is a poem that make us to ask ourselves aren't we strong enough to do jobs the same like men, aren't we strong enough to walk long streets. A big prove that we are strong enough to confront with the difficulties of life is that we bring to life our children no matter they are boys or girls. And also the prove that the Christ itself came to life by a woman.

  9. Sojourner Truth asks "ain't I a woman?"and she has mentioned it four times. But what's the point here ? Truth's point isn't just one point. She is making two points in one: 1-that she is not treated like a white woman as she deserves ,and,2- nobody cares about her feelings and her rights...But everything has changed now ...All women are aware of their rights and nobody can oblige them for their decisions.

  10. the poem{AIN'T I A WOMAN?} it's a very beautiful poem. it is based on the equality on the gender. because the women could work as much as the man do and maybe could even do more if they have self-confidence.

  11. Oh I like this poem. It symbolizes the strength of women. Why a woman should be judge? Why they can’t be equal? Our society will never understand the importance of women. Women are strong and capable enough to deal with everything.

  12. Ain't I a woman is a beautiful and strong poem.The woman speech in this is a powerful one. She asks for her rights and gender quality. She wants to convince everyone that all woman and men are equal and deserve to be treated as such. This poem also has some rhetoric questions in order to make people think about what she speaks.

  13. Well the Poem Ain't I a Womam is a very strong poem that really touches and reflects to our minds, spirits and souls. The way the poem is written, the words that are used there are really heart touching because there is a woman talking about her everyday life,, about her sufferins,, about every obstacle that she has had on her life and she continous to have and at the same time she is making some questions but it seems like none is answering because as she says even everyone knows that we are not guilty and we must be treated as all the others, none dares to raise their voice but what do those women do? They just pray to God and wait to have a fairness and to have something got better because God was the only one who loved them unconditionally and fairly

  14. This poem gives a powerful message to everyone because it shows that women's can work and make many things as much as man's do
