Thursday, December 14, 2017

Interesting article

Merriam-Webster's 2017 Words of the Year


  1. It’s really interesting to face up to curiosities as for example Word of the year for 2017. It graps my attention this issue, as it has to do with what people are interested in, their opinions, “as citizens of this worldwide society ”.What they this its more or less important and what are curious for.
    According to Merriam-Webster’s Word of The Year for 2017 is Feminism. So , the huge step of this “protest” that seeks for real and deep equality , has a major impact on people’s life. The acquire more info about this, and to go beyond the limits. This phenomenon affects both of genders, women and men. As a result, people of all ages are becoming more knowledgeable about this issue and try to fulfill the purpose of feminism. It deals with political, economic and social life,so it’s present everywhere. Nobody can overlook. This was listed as the top word, the other 9 of the Top 10 are : complicit, recuse, empathy, , dotard, syzygy, gyro,federalism,hurricanes and goffe. That clarifies us that the interest is spreaded throughout many aspects of life politics , economy, every day life. And the “leading” word feminism.

  2. Hmm is such an interesting curiosity that I didn't know about Merriam-Webster's 2017 words of the year and in talks about how different word are add to a dictionary and how they has changed during the years . But the most used word in 2017 was " feminism " such a marvelous word for all the women and for all genders too . Because all of us can learn more about that word . For the rights that we has and the things that we should do . In all the fields of the life in economy,,, especially in politics and in all our everyday life even at home.

  3. The word "feminism",has almost always been misinterpreted. People believe that being a feminist,means you are in favor of pressing the men. In my opinion, this ignorance or misinterpretation of the word feminism, has pushed many people to know exactly what does this word mean.

  4. feminism is not only a word, a concept it is a theory, it is a movement it is a society, it is a branch, it is a cause for women's right.I think it must be understood by the whole humanity men and women, boys and girls, elders and kids. ''FEMINISM is A movement that began in the late 19th c
    entury focused on liberating by improving
    their material condition. This movement
    revolved around taking the "burden" off
    women in regards to housework, cooking,
    and other traditional female domestic
    jobs.'' (sours of this passage is: FEMINIST THEORY
    Examining Branches of Feminism )
