Saturday, January 27, 2018


In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens by Alice Walker 

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison,%20The%20-%20Toni%20Morrison.pdf

Beloved   by Toni Morrison


  1. In Search of Our Mothers’ Garden main idea: Even though she was an overworked mother who never had time for herself she always found time for the only work she had put her soul at, her garden, for which she was known and admired for her unique work with flowers.

  2. As i went through the essay "In search of our Mothers" all i got from it and all the lines of it were really heartouching and at least there was being presented the life of a random Woman in a specific period of time. There is said that that black woman was nevertheless different from the others just she was doing the same job and the same things as the others may be doing. She had married since 17 and since that time she had to deal with all the difficulties of what she was going to face. But that didn't let her dowm or did not gave her the impression of being a loser or being desperated. She was behaving the same despite she was all the time busy taking care of her children and all the days she used to do all the house works and to plant seeds and fruits to ensure her children's food she had the great ability and the strong desire to take care of what she mostly found interesting in her life. As she was taking care for her children she could do so even for her garden and her plants. She was known for all her different various plants she had planted in her garden and everyday you would find people around her house asking her for different flowers she had planted. So as we can see that there is shown the great image of a woman that despite the difficulties and despite the fact that you are not desired by too many people that does not prevent you from having the strongest desire of doing what you mostly like.

  3. "Beloved" by Toni Morrison was an interesting and in the same time a scaring story . She grabbed my attention with the events that happen one by one during all the book . The main characters there was all black people that always has suffered and has been slavery to the others . " Beloved " was an character that take place here that I think it's the main character. Was a girl or she was a ghost that came and wants only to drink ,,,, Sethe and Paul thinks that was the death daughter . When she came she hates Paul a lot . And was observing every things that he makes at home . After that is supposed that Beloved was pregnant with Paul because she have sex with him . Paul has a big desire for that . And after few time that Beloved lived with Sethe ,,, she disappeared forever,,,,, after Paul come back to love again with Sethe.
    Everything was interesting in this book,,,, ghosts ,,,, murder ,,, Beloved character etc.

  4. "In search of our mothers' gardens"

    Alice describes her mother as a woman, who spent all her life taking care about her children, and never for herself. Her day began before sunap, and never had time to sit down explore her thoughts. Alice says that her mother's life and many other women's, is like a poem. They all have a spirit of an artist, as their life is like a story, like a poem. Their knowledge of their stories must be recorded. Many people do not discover what is their passion as they see only high, but her mother knew that her spirit was dedicated to her own flowers. She planted flowers at every house she moved, even though the land wasn't suitable..But if as a magic the plant grw up, and it was a garden so brillian in colour, so original. She had a really creative spirit !!!

  5. “ In Search for Our Mother’s Garden “
    This an essay about the relationship between the mother and the daughter.
    The daughter appreciates her mother and admires her. She explains the great relationship between them and how much the mothers take care for everything. She has a great abiliy to manage the time
    , she works hard and also does everything as it concerns the house. She never gets rest or to have some time fir herself. Here we see a great contradiction with “The Estrangement “ where the relationship between mother daughter is totally different. The mother doesn’t support her and believe in her abilities.

  6. The bluest eye by Toni Morrison , is a story about a girl who considers herself as not beautiful due to her colour. The desire of the blue eye is as she thinks for the doll which is white and with blue eyes. So she has connected blue eyes with beauty.
    Pecola is a girl who passes through many hard situations. She gets raped by her father, as he thought that he could show her in that way that he loved her. Her mother does not believe her. She has 2 friends who want her child to live and have planted a plant for it.
    As result she lost her baby.
    So, what we can understand from this book is the gender discrimination and the bad relationship with her parents.

  7. "In search for our mother garden " it's Alice which describes in details for her mother . She tell us that no matter if her mother was busy or not she always find time for her children,,, she make everything, she prepare food , their clothes from the morning to the evening. She left her house and is married when she was only 17 years old. She handle everything because she is a women . Power human being ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿพ‍๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฟ‍๐Ÿ’ผ no matter what color we have in our skin we are women .

  8. Beloved by Toni Morrison grabed my attention. It was a painful story especially when the mother killed her two-year-old daughter in order to escape her from slavery. It was not a good choice or decision because no one can take onebody's life especially that of a child. There are a lot of interesting characters in this story related with murder, pasion, ghosts etc. I think that the key point is related with slavery, discrimination among black people something that we have to give an end.

  9. Beloved by Toni Morrison grabed my attention. It was a painful story especially when the mother killed her two-year-old daughter in order to escape her from slavery. It was not a good choice or decision because no one can take onebody's life especially that of a child. There are a lot of interesting characters in this story related with murder, pasion, ghosts etc. I think that the key point is related with slavery, discrimination among black people something that we have to give an end.

  10. “In search of our Mother Garden “ is an essay which treats Alicia’s relationship with her mother. Her mother is confident and very hardworking woman. No matter how busy she is , she will find time for everyone and everything. She’s so addicted to her flowers and she grows the most beautiful flowers. Everyone who sees them get amazed. I love the way Alice appreciates her mother work and sacrifice. She’s the woman example who should be followed.

  11. The bluest eye is a book about a girl who don’t like herself because of her color. Her desire has to have blu eyes in order to be a beautiful person, so she thinks. She has that idea because she has a little white blu eyes doll and she want to be like her. This girl, Pecola, has passed through bad situations. She passed the the worst situation a girl would have passed. She was raped by her father and she got pregnant , but later she lost her baby. There is a lot of discrimination and bad relationship with her parents.

  12. "Beloved" of Toni Morrison is a great book because it describes decision which are not right,but sometimes we have to take them. Slavery was a very widespread phenomenon in USA. In this book we have the story of a mother who killed her 2 year old daughter in order to save her from slavery. Then in the story comes a girl named Beloved ,that Sethe thought she was the daughter that she herself had killed. In my opinion it was her troubled conscious that did this "game" to her mind,although this story is more complex. Discrimination and violence force people to take bad or not proper decisions sometimes,just to escape it.

  13. This essay is about Alice's mother that fases both racism and poverty. An interesting thing that I noticed was when her mother showed her temper and that was when she had been told that her children didn't need to go to school just because they were black. Her mother is described as a very loving women toward her family.In this essay there is also descrimination against black people and her mother want to protect or defend her children against " white people".

  14. When i firstly started to read the "The Bluest Eye" book i did not understand it but when I started to read it page by page I started to get the main points. When I started to read it I felt pity about hte little girl called Pecola because she was trapped in the poverty , her parents were always fighting and she had always been insult just because she was black. Again here we have racism and descrimination. The only wish that this girl have is to be white and have blue eyes.She was called ungly by her friends and neighboors just because of the color of her skin. At first when we start to read it we think it is a book just for a little girl that wants to be white blue eyes but there is more I think. I beleive that it is abiut being ugly in all ways because someone told you that you were and you start to beleive it.She just want to live a normal life like the others do.This is a book that treats the phenomena about how much black people used to sufer then and nowadays.

  15. 'The Bluest Eyes' gives to the innocent girl Pecola the concept of having inferiority because of thinking herself as ugly and dark skin. She blames herself for the abusive way she has been treated from her father, school mate and people in general. She thinks of having blue eye in order to have opened the doors of life, she dreams about those eyes as they were her passport of moving freely in those places where she could have peace and happiness.
    The story treats such concepts of race and rape which are played against a little girl. She has to have a long Calvary with defeat, mistreatment and suffering, losing her childhood, became victim and mother too by losing her baby. Such horrible thing surrounded this girl by taking at the end also her mind. Maybe because she could find there a place to escape the reality.

  16. 'In Search of Our Mother's Garden' the garden where mother works making the beauty of colors and flower such beauty as her soul. She is strong and powerful to protect her children against the oppression of 'outside' world. She can challenge the poverty, race and every obstacle because of her artist hand and soul. SO powerful women

  17. ‘In Search of Our Mother’s Garden’ It is an essay which talked for the relationship between Alice and her mother. Her mother is very hardworking women that her day began before to sun up and never had time to sit down. Alice says that her mother have passion for sunflowers and she planted flowers at all home that she have moved . She was very know from people as a grower of flower and all people go to their home to cut from their flowers.

  18. "The bluest eyes" is a painful story which shows the whole life of a black girl. She thinks that she is ugly because the color of her skin. The only think she finds beautiful are her blue eyes. She was raped by her father and none belived her ..even her mother didn't.. The key words in this story are discrimination and rape to which we have to give an end.

  19. In Sarch of Our Mothers Garden is a very interesting and beautiful essay .The connection mother-daughter is very special. I like how the author Alice Walker writes about black feminism, black women and hpw hard their life is, the difficulties they have to face.Alice says that black women are still strong because of their mother's garden and black women before them exercised their own creativity.

  20. After reading The Bluest Eye I felt very bad about the little girl Pecola. It is very sad how she thinks of herself ugly just because of her dark skin, but she isn't the only person who thinks tha way because her friends and neighbors think she is ugly because she is black. All she wanted was a normal life, If her skin color was white everything could be better she thought. But having dark skin wasn't the only difficulty she had to face in life. She was raped by her father at a very young age and that was a tragedy.

  21. The Bluest Eye talk about a littel girl who has raped by her father. Pecola was a lonely girl who was not supported by anyone and she felt herself unliked by others because she is black.She wants to live the life as the other white people but she can’t . This story treats concepts of rape and discriminations which had happen against a little girl.
