Sunday, January 14, 2018

 This video is about a girl named Meghan Markle on the moment she .realized the power of her voice. When she was at school there were shown on TV a commercial with the tagline for a dish washing liquid  named " Women all over America are fighting greasy and pots and pans" and then two boys of her class said :Yeah , that's where women belong, in the kitchen", She says that she felt shocked and she decided that if she wanted her voice to be heard she started to write letters, And the first letter she wrote was to ' Hilary Clinton and to her surprise she received letters of encouragement from her. Then was when the understood the power of her voice ,the power of women voice. As she says it is not enough talk about equality . One must believe it. And it is not enough to simply believe in it. ONE MUST WORK ON IT. 

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