Sunday, January 14, 2018

Take Control of Your Future

Taraji P. Henson: Take Control of Your Future

Actress Taraji Henson discusses her hard road to success, and urges people to ignore the naysayers and chase their dreams, because our future is always in our hands. 


  1. OMG that is really true. Coz it really shows how YOU can decide for your life, future and also only you will have to take your responsibilities for what you going to do beyond. I mean all of us has just to follow our dreams and never let the others to enter on your life never let them decide for you as you will never achieve and you will never meet expetations but the only thing you going to deal with is only failure and not a good life as you have always pretended it to be!

  2. This video is really inspiring. What they are saying is a portrait of our lives. Each of one should live his/her own lives. It’s so meaningless to judge the others for situations you don’t know. What will make one’s life special and meaningful is to really live without stereotypes and prejudices. But there is something else too : never giving up. That’s the key to the success and the one which opens the doors to the happiness.
    The ones who have achieved and that have really live are those who have always tried a lot and never gave up.
    So let’s give ourselves reasons to be happy and to live.

  3. Everything she says in that video is totally true. None can decide for your life, what to do with it, by not following your own dreams. It means you are living the life they want you to live not your own one. Everyone should have the courage to face every problem to require for something new in their life, new opportunities that make you strong and not looking for others help at every moment. Never give up about something you want or you won't be able to know what will come next, not being able to have new experiences.

  4. I totally agree with her. It is all up to you if you will hear what people talk an say that you will not make it or continue chasing your dreams. If you live the life the people want you to live then it is not your life is what the others want you to be. You should beleive in yourself because if you don't beleive then who would? You should never stop doing what you want to do or what you think is right and you should always tell yourself that you can and you will make it, will be someone in life.It is your life , enjoy it.

  5. Inspiring.
    It's like a description of everyone's lives.
    This video teach us how to keep our dreams alive. We must avoid making certain mistakes. Must realize that we're the pilot and we can take charge of our dreams and fly to places we've never been.

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  7. I agree with her.Even that it was a short video and speech it had a lot of meaning in it. She says that no mater what age you are or what kind of difficulties you may have and no mater what the other people say to you. You should never stop trying until you accomplish or the target that you have put in your self.

  8. What she said is totally true. I mean we live in the XXI century and still people judge you for what you do. My mother told me to chase my dreams while i can and never to regret for what i have done cause in the future you may regret for not doing it. Yes we make bad decisions, we fall but we rise again and learn something. If you don’t allow us to make mistakes how are we supose to learn what life is. People STOP judging others; is their life, their decisions not yours.

  9. The woman in this video says she wasn't born with a silver spoon under her mouth, meaning that she was not a rich woman. She was not given the opportunities for free. Everyone can make it, no matter what other people say. One should take control of their own future, not letting the others to tell what are you able or not able to do. No matter how smart you are, there will be people telling you that you are not. In my opinion ,the key is neglecting such negative comments and just walking your own way.

  10. "Start with you"
    "Start with yourself first"
    Don't let others to tell you or affect in your life,it's yours,not theirs.Is your life,you know your feelings,you know your dreams,you know in what conditions you are and everything that sorrounds you.
    "Never explain yourself to anyone.You don't need anyone's approval.Live your life and do what makes you happy."

  11. That was amazing,,, I fully agree with her ,, doesn't matter what other people's say we have to follow our dreams to fulfill them in a best way. Because if we listen to much the people we can be their toys we never succeed. Everything "starts with you " do whatever you feel that is right because if we throw stones every "dog" that ululate us we never achieve our goals. Be you, be yourself, be strong because you can 💪.

  12. Everyone has born to live it's own life...We should be thankful that our parents born as but everything stops here...Anyone has the right to interfere in your ideas, dreams, and goals.People only know how to speak badly in order you to give up and anyone cares about what you are doing with your own life...So, you loose. We have to be concious and never give up.And if some time we make mistekes it doesnt matter. Ultimately we learn from mistakes

  13. This video is such an inspiration for everyone. Everything said in this is absolutely true. If can't stand for ourselves no one can. If we don't believe in ourselves no one will. If we really want things to happen they will happen. It's only up to us do decide and never give up no matter what.

  14. the self-motivation should be strong enough to make yourself first that you can do it! and after that comes the hardworking progress. SO when we see those women who realized their dreams only because they wanted and they work on it regardless anyone or anything. Such people give you some of their motivation in order to non give up. It is easier to give up but when we see those people who never give up we acquire positiveness and will to accomplish our challenges.

  15. Is very true for women's is very difficult to get a high post or a good work in this case,but never give up and follow your dreams and work hard to get what you want.

  16. Nice message, it gives inspiration and positivity. I am a believer that each person has the power within themselves to make their life whatever they want. I believe that what everyone is looking for is inside of themselves, if they choose to embrace it.Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
    This video makes you think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. So the main point is to give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

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  18. This is a wonderful message for everybody because everyone has the right to set goals for himself and should not be judged by anyone because every person has their own rights. this video makes me think only good things. First of all work is the first thing people should focus on life and love for their family and for the people who deserves it.
