Sunday, January 14, 2018

Week XI

Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 


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  3. It is a really interesting book. It is about Maya and her brother who lives in a village with their grandmother in Stamps,Arkansas and are appeared their struggels they face from the age of three to 17. Those were colored people.People where they live were racist.Something horrible was when she as 8 year old she was sexually abused and raped by her mother's boyfriend.
    Ater that they go to live with their father and attended school there and there she was preganant.She and her brother decided not to tell other until the eighth month and when she was at that month she was at the last year of college and let it,to gave birth to her child at the end of the book.

  4. Maya Angelou is the best one . She brings the same situation that still existing in a nowadays. A horrible event that it has to do with racism, sexism and especially why a black women live to the south . It's a horrible feeling,, isn't it?but why it has to happen again and again

  5. I didn’t read that book, but I just saw this film in YouTube. In the beginning I got bored because it was old film, but then I started to like it and now I feel great for watching it. It was just an amazing film . Maya Angelou or Margaret is really the smartest one. I love her determination and her strength for reaching her rights. She’s a brave girl.The credits goes to her Grandmother who educated her and who always says that she will be a good girl.She passed through bad situations even why she was very young. She got my attention when she saw her father betraying her mother with another woman and she didn’t said it to anyone. Then the most dramatic situation was when the Freeman raped her, and she felt guilty for his death, and due to this she punished herself to not talk for a long period. I really appreciate her valuable words and her skills. In this film I liked two quotes: “I’m the master of my fate and I’m the captain of my soul. “You are what you are,and what you are,is damn good”.

  6. It is one of that books that grab your attention at the first minute you start reading it. Maya Angelou gives a great example for all of us. She never gave up although the life was very cruel to her. After each difficulty she was able to rise and never fall down . In these book are treated the terms of racism,sexism etc. Also loyalty and love between sister and brother. This powerful feeling stayed there except all difficulties they had and passed together. It is a pitty to see that some terms such as rape or racism still exist today. We all should raise our voice for this kind of cases as Angelou did in her real life.

  7. As i went through this book i have to admit that it was a very interesting one and is those kind of books that always give you some lessons and instructions about certain things in your life. The story here is about Maya a great example of those coloured women and those Women that never give up on their dreams and those kind of women that always try to go beyond everything. They never meet failure as they have promised themselves to follow their dreams and never to give up on them. Maya was one of them that was being raped since in a very young age at about 8 years old she was raped by her Fatherstep but she didnt want to tell this to the others. Even her brother knew that she was raped and she was pregnant but they decided not to tell to anyone because Maya had her dream of attending the school. Despite all the difficulties and barriers that appeared in her life she was not all alone. Her brother was one of those people that she was sorrounded but he was really protecting her and supporting about everything.
    According to my opinion i think that all the women should raise their voice they should fight against everything that comes before their feet and to break tjose barriers and to live the life as all the others do without regrets and not being discriminated by the whole society.

  8. "I know why the bird Cage sings" is realized in two a story put on book and a film too. I've only read the book and has give to me a real worth message. I love the relation the two children have with each other and with their grandmother. Even those children are too young they has kept each others hand and face all challenges together, that we realize when the girl was being raped by her mother's boyfriend at the age of 8 and when she got pregnant at the age of 18th,her brother keep her secret and let for to graduate. Also when she has the baby in her hands her whole life change for her and was like a new chapter for her. In the place where they live with their grandma they do not feel free and can't do what they want because they were colored people.

  9. "I know why the caged bird sings is a very attractive book. Maya has a strong character and full of possibilities.At her early age, due to the divorce of her parents she was grew up by her grandmother with her brother.She use to call her grandma momma.
    I think that is thanks to her , and the one who should take the credits for what she is. She has lived so many difficulties and bad moments at her life. But I believe that these ones have made her what she is at all. Because difficulties make for sure a person more mature and stronger.
    The hardest situation that she has lived is the rape.
    That is one of the worst things that can happen to a woman throughout her life. When the Freeman died she blamed herself and decided not to talk to anyone for a long time.
    Here we can clearly see the motherhood relationship which is shown in 3 ways indirectly. And also the relationship between the brother and the sister which is really strong and powerful .

  10. Angelou uses the metaphor of a bird struggling to escape its cage,described in Paul Laurence Dumbar's poem ,as a prominent symbol throughout her series of autobiographies. The caged bird represent Angelou's confinement resulting from racism and oppression. Facing racism,molestation and teenage pregnancy, Maya learns how to love herself and find a place in the world.

  11. It is known why the caged bird sings,it sings for freedom! Maya is the best example of a strong woman that had suffered a lot in her life. She was discriminated,abandoned by her parents and raped. Momma was a big influence in her life. She taught her that god loves us all and to have faith. After she was raped by freeman she confessed to her brother Bailey,who was her greatest support. But then,Freeman was killed and from that moment she decided not to speak anymore in her life because someone was dead because of her words. It was her teacher who taught her the value of books, and this way she uttered her words. Maya's condolence were books. Her love for books , real family and freedom is a great inspiration for me.

  12. It is a great feeling that this book gives to you.You get inspired from her strength to move on. This book also treats the phenomena of racism. How muach black people suffer just for being black . But I think and I firmly beleive that this is a thing that should stop happening because we are all equal. We are born equal.
