Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Sexual harassment at work in Kosovo



  1. This phenomen is increasing more and more nowadays unfortunately. But women should be smart and strong in order to dismiss these kind of persons who benefit from these women. When they are in this kind of situations they should report this persons to policy not to stay in silence. I liked her decision a lot , it was the most proper thing she did.

  2. It is sad to watch situations like this still exist in our society nowadays. Woman shouldn't let their fears to beat them. We should report every situation like this, even if it's a small doubt in order to prevent it. It's very important to speak out and not keeping it all to yourself because it only will kill you more. We all should stand up and rise our voices against sexual harassment!

  3. This kind of harassment unfortunately exists worldwide. Women should protect themselves in the most appropriate way. There is no reason to feel embarrassed or guilty for this phenomenon. It’s the fault of those ones who think thar are in a superior position and can do whatever and wherever they want . The best thing to do in order to show that you are a strong woman is to talk about it and to declare it. There’s nothing wrong with the women. Why to be scared or uncertain for talking to the police? In this way each woman protects herself and at the same time all the women wherever they are. So they should raise the voice in these situations.

  4. I think that the best thing to do is to rise your voice. Harassment must be punished not only with a fine of 700 Euro but also with imprison up to two or more years. Such things are simply disgusted, turn the man into an animal leaded by their dirty instincts not by the logical and social behavior.

  5. Harassment at work it still exist and I think is a big problem for all girls in all over the world. This problem I think it should me solved by girls they should rise their voices. No need to be scared we can we will win . We have to tell about the case and to protect ourself not to be abused by those 'insane' that are focused only to poke and to rape girls . We should report them as quickly as possible to prevent it.

  6. These kind of harassments have existed and still exist nowadays in our society. The best way to 'get rid' of them is to raise our voice in each kind of situation and not to stay quite waiting what will happen next. Everyone who do such a disgusted thing should be punished not only by paying money but also with prison. Women have to report those harassments and not to be shame about them.

  7. "Many women everywhere experience sexual harassment every day in the workplace and feel powerless to call out their aggressors for fear.I think women have to rise her voice to report those harassment and not be shame about them “.But i wish add this many women know exactly what they are doing and do use their sexuality as a way to get ahead in the world.

  8. Well, its not the first time that i am dealing wirh a common case liej this that i saw it and i need to confess that it is a very horrible feeling for us women being sexual harrased. I bet that all we girls have been part of a harassement that might have happened at a specific moment and what i felt and the impact that i had on myself was really shameful and i felt like why he said to me like that? So its a very difficult condition and a very bad one being harassed. But its a phenomenon that happens averywhere, allover the world and we cannot avoid it because are men thos ewho should make and effort, to make uo their mind and not to make such stupid actions and really very shameful.

  9. This phenomenon is increasing day by day. It is sad to be said but this is something that happens all around the world. This kind of harassment should be more punished and we should rise our voice to stop these to be continued..

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  11. This is a bad thing that happens nowdays.I have heard a lot of this situation in everyday life but a lot of women don’t report because they think if they report in policy the problem will do bigger but no women should report in the policy and to raise their voice for their rights.The sexual harissment happen because a lot of men aren’t educated and are the women that always suffer.

  12. It is sad to see that this phenomen exist nowdays in our society. Womens when will be in this bad situations one thing they should do is to talk to someone — to get ideas about what to do about the situation or behavior that concerns you. It could be someone else's behavior, or your own

  13. It is very sad to hear that,this is the dark side of our community. This phenomen is getting more disgusting day by day.
