Monday, January 22, 2018

Week XII

Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit: Essays on Native American Life Today
By Leslie Marmon Silko

1 comment:

  1. It is obvious that the nature is closely related to the spirit of every living thing. It is interesting that founding such relation in spirit of nature and humans being. The inhabitants of the Pueblo highly realted to the chain of the nature. They not only have the spiritual realtion but also the love for every process of life. The strength gained by respecting the nature, animal and every thing else is representing in their concepts of thinking and treating others within the line of equality. the physical appearance is not important feature in respecting people or some thing else concerned about this appearance. They consider as important issue the inner beauty of persons. It is amazing that in this place with such less development of technology or other evolution in things have lead to the evolution of mind and spirit.
