Friday, January 12, 2018

20 January 2018
 Film review
Lorena Gjeli

Hidden figures

Hidden figures is an American film which took place in 10 Dec 2016. It is directed by Theodore Melfi.  Hidden figures is the story of three intelligent women who are very smart and do a great job but others don't give credits to their work only because they are women and they are coloured (black). 

It's a movie which shows the American life in '60 when black people were discriminated. They had their own buses, schools, bathrooms and even their personal things to eat and drink. Those three women, who worked at NASA as mathematicians, changed everything. At first they were considered as weak and not able to the same job as men there. Firstly because they were women and secondly because they were black( coloured). Katherine, who was the the smartest of them, was a mother and father for her kids and also was fighting for her rights to be heard by showing her strong potential and her smartness. It was because of her and her two friends that John Glen ( astronaut) was able to lunched into orbit.

It is worth to see it because it brings the issue of human rights and sacrifice. Meaning that all are the same no matter their skin colour or their gender. This film inspires all of us and learns us to fight for our rights. It is a pitty to see all of those men in that movie behaving on that way. Not believing to a women abilities and smartness only because she is a woman and black.
We all are born equal and should be treated as such.

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