Friday, January 12, 2018

Anxhela Kola                                                                                                        First draft
Group A
January 11. 2018
Movie review
“Hidden Figures”

Hidden Figures is a film of three women who worked for NASA. They served as “human computers” doing mathematics and engineering tasks. They also send one astronaut man John Glenn into Orbit. 
Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson are three smart and strong women which worked at NASA’s Langley Research Center. Al Harrison, the director of The Space Task Group, needed someone to help NASA with calculations which want to be greater than Russians. Katherine is assigned to his man team. Everyone didn’t take her seriously, and they thought that a black woman can’t do it. All of them judged her because of her black color. Everything was separated for her like: bathroom, drinks, coffee etc. She remained for everything, until one day she raised her voice for her rights. She proved them wrong, and she did the best job from all of them.
So, I would recommend this film to all the people, because it’s worthy to see. It helps you to be more open-minded and not to judge colored people, but to respect them as human beings. They have their rights too, as we do. This film also helps us to be more determined and not to give up for anything, because nothing is impossible.

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