Friday, January 12, 2018

Movie Review
Realda Basha

            "Hidden Figures"
Hidden figures is a story of brilliance, but not of ego, based on true events. Set in 1960s Virginia, the film centres on a trio (not a lone heroine) three pioneering African-American women whose calculations for NASA were the success of several space missions, including John Dlenn's successful orbit of the Earth
Katherine (played by Taraji P. Henson) is the film's first protagonist and gets the most screen time. She gets the opportunity to join the big league were she is a superlative mathematician, but too bad for her, no 'coloured' man had ever been selected for it, let alone a coloured woman. There is a separate empty kettle for her tea, and not a separate bathroom for her, so she has to run to the other end of the campus, half-a-mile away to the 'coloured ladies room'. Despite all these challenges, her brilliance as a mathematician makes sure she shines among the white men colleagues. Dorothy managed the 'coloured computer' team and became the first blach supervisor at NASA, and Mary became an aerospace engineer. These women, were the key to sending a man into space and hence launching a journey to later reach the moon.
This is a heart-warming film and not one to be missed if you have been running low on inspiration of life. Let the stories of three geniuses tell you how a woman, despite several struggles, can still cross the finish line. While it may be difficult to see her in the crowd, we know she is there, running and leaping over the barriers. In good time, we will be able to see her and she won't stay hidden anymore

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