Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hideen Figgures's Review

   Hidden figures Is a film that really gives a very interesting and important message. The message that is treated in that film has been a very important and a big issue among the past but if you notice there in some places it is existent even nowdays. 
   In that movie we have 3 black woman that were fightining for their rights and at least that they were looking for was a worklplace. Catherine was that one who became part of NASA's company. She was a very smart woman and her job was based on Computing and landind in space. But she had to suffer to many discriminations at her workplace she was not permited to use the women's bathroom she wasnt allowed to drink coffe from the same cups that they were using and so on. The same happened even with her two other frineds Dorothy that had dreamt about becoming a supervisor on the company but she was not taking that charge even she was doning the job of it. Even The third girl was sufferi g the same she tried to find a job but despite university they reauired some other Courses and then she decided to enter a university where no any black person had done before. But despite those obstacles they could afford ti. 
    When catherine was computing some figures then all the members of the staf got stunned as how she could do them but despite the fact that they didint like her they gave the credir to her and that was something very good for her because at the moment that she was sacked and the guy that was going to land the space said that i won't do it if you are not going to take into consideration  her figures. 
 In the end it seems that they could break every barrier despite the descrimination they had.  Catherine earned the job again Dorothy became a supervisor and Mary could finish the university.
     I would really highly recommend this movie to watch because there are going to learn that people are so different in what they may seem you are going to learn that they are ready to give their best for the whole society and most important is that there is no distinction between gender and race and colour when it comes to intelligence. 

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