Friday, January 12, 2018

Aleksander Xhuvani Elbasan
English Language
Grup A
Anxhela Kicka

             Movie review: Hidden figures

  Hidden figures is a 2016 drama movie directed by Theodore Melfi and written by Melfi and Alison Schroeder based on the book of the same name. The title figure has a double meaning ;firstly the numbers related to her work(mathematician), and figure as an individual , because the protagonist Katherine who always stays backstage and remains hidden.
The whole story of this movie is based on real events .The “reality” of this film is shown to us due to the stars who convey us great emotions. The protagonists of this movie are Taraji P. Henson as Katherine Globe Johnson, Octavia Spencer as Dorothy Vaughan , Janelle Monde as Mary Jackson, Kevin Costner as Al Harrison , Kirsten Dunst as Vivian Mitchell ,Jim Parsons as Paul Stafford and Glen Powell as John Glenn.
  The events are based on what happened in 1961. The three female protagonists : Katherine,Mary and Dorothy are three friends,who do not get scared of the discrimantion they experience and are ready to do the impossible in order to accomplish their goals and dreams. Katherine,a genious at mathematics coworks with Mary and Dorothy. The NASA which tries to send American astronauts into space needs geniuses in order to achieve this. So, Al Harrison’s Space Task Group need specialists in oders to make it possible. Katherine was going to became the first black woman in the team. So did she. She worked hard,proved them all wrong as she managed to show off all her skills s it concerned analytic geometry. She managed to work under hurtful conditions,as the then society was a segregated one. Everything was separated for black people especially women. They could not be at the same place with white women.
  The three women faced numerous problems due to this fact and this was the barrier to their success. However, they never give up. One thing , that it was a real disadvantage for them is that women were supposed not to be able to work on one of the STEM fields. So here there is an obvious discrimination ; that women are not capable and able to do these woks. Mary’s desire is to become an engineer, and Dorothy’s is to become supervisor. They try a lot , but what prevents them are two facts the colour and the gender. However their courage , bravery, desire and group spirit make them to achieve what they want. But never a man helped those women or believed on them. Katherine’s coworkers were all men and as the only women there they were to support and help her. But this never happened. On the contrary, Paul , a colleague of her,sabotaged her a lot of times , and all of them discriminated her all the time in all the situations. It is easily understandable that there is no partnership between the two genders at all. However there is a man ; Al Harrison, who by the time he understood her skills, he always supported her despite the factst hat she was black and a woman.But from the other side partnership among women it is in its highest level.They work together as a whole group.Dorothy gives the great example. These women’s good gatekeeper is their untired spirit and hope. What happens in the end is that the three of them achieve their dreams. Katherine becomes the first black woman in NASA , Mary the first black woman engineer and Dorothy the becomes the first black woman supervisor.
   All in all, I would strongly recommend seeing this movie. It conveys two messages.To be against the colour and gender discrimination and to respect the human’s right. Hidden figures shows the glass ceiling that exists in the female’s dreams can be broken. No matter of what colour or gender you are,everything is possible. Hard work and belief in what you are doing really helps.

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