Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Week X

Perhaps the World Ends Here BY JOY HARJO


  1. The "Rape Poem" by Marge Piercy it grabbed my attention as it conveyed to me a lot of emotions, mostly sad ones. This hurtful reality, that thousands of women get raped every day , every week, and every year, really hurts. Because each of us should put himself/herself in that place. So horrible.Both genders,as well man.As men have for sure a woman member of their family? For which reason should they act like that? It is not only for what they do ( rape) but the concequences of it and for not respecting woman's right.

  2. My favourite poems of Marge Piercy are " What are big girls made of? " and " the woman in the ordinary" ...In these poems she astablishes a strong picture of women in their natural and unalerted form. She allows readers to picture themselves in comparison with the ideal, beautiful woman; and alliteration which she applies to intensify the positive and natural aspects of a woman. She has a really powerful voice!!!

  3. As i went through all the poems and i have to admit it that all of them were interesting but the one that grabbed my intention was "The Rape". Well i found it interesting to read and go through it because the way it started was really ironic i mean there were being made comparisons between being raped and different bad things that might be happening in everyone's life. But it was a bit ironic and the author that had written it just wanted to show that how could people can make such comparisons between rape and other things how could they. They do not even have any idea about being raped. But that is not a big point about people,about men. They do consider it like that because they never go through women's feelings at these moments they just care to gain happines during that voilent act. She also says that after that is a woman who gets destroyed and in the end gets the blame for all happened. Because according to people if she was not going to wear a skirt or not going to be appeard on latw nights on street sth like that would not have happened. So its really sad to hear people's judgements and to deal with their bad words but never knowing the feelings of a woman never getting the chance to talk to her to give her support instead of RAPING her!!!!

  4. One of the poems of Marge Piercy that grabed my attention was Traveling dream. It was about women force, that means that they or we can do everything, but we never think for ourselves and go to run doing other works, when in fact we want to do sth else. In that case to have a trip, but she lost it because of other chorces she had to do, and those chorces in that poem were symbolized by cats.

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  6. Accordind to the Poem M Perhaps the world ends here, i personally think that the author has had the desire to give a certain message about the condition that some people might be in everytime. So she has consideret the "Kitchen Table" as a key object and to say that since at the moment we are borned and till in the end of our lives , despite all the difficulties people mighy face and whenever they might be going there will come a moment where we all be together and we will be near to each allor around a table!

  7. One of the most beautiful poems that grabbed my attention was 'The friend ' tell in a best way when people make great achive for others acceptance.


    That poem really attract my attention,two sentences that like most and give to us an essential meaning are :
    "It is here that children are given instructions on what it means to be human.We make men at it,we make women."
    That means than we sit together at the table as a family on one time at a day or more.While we are sitting,we also do with each other a lot of different conversations,parents give message to us,we as children see how parents communicate together and so on.
    Are those conversations or ways how are parents act,create our personality,the way we think for our lives etc..,so are parents who make men to it or women.

  9. "Marge Piercy selection of poems"

    "Barbie Doll" , it is the fake reality where we live everyday and grils or women try to look more and more beautiful day by day. They are not as they are born,but thay paint theirselves,make plastic operations,take too much controle and do not eat for days to have a perfect body-shape.

    "A work of Artifice" , the "little tree" symbolise the GIRL or WOMEN and how others see them,mostly men :
    "It's your nature
    to be small and cozy
    domestic and weak"

  10. •Perhaps the world ends here • it really grab my attention it was very interesting,,, about a topic that we all should be aware of. I think it represents the life and the death like day and night . It begins with a kitchen table that represent the circle family-children and all the human being dreams. Children's show always joy, happiness and make life more beautiful in every aspect . The significant things are life and death that with the death ends everything. In this poem are all the stages of life as good or as bad life is .

  11. The estrangement of "Jamaica Kincaid " was really interesting a sad story,, she tells about her mother that died,, her mother was everything to her , beautiful, very helpful to her she consider as "God " ,,, she was the older child and the only female because she has 3 other brothers with other father,, but she knows their father better than them .
    She explained in detail all her feelings 😓

  12. Perhaps the world ends here
    This poem is very interesting and significant. "World stops" when everyone is gathered around the kitchen table. The round table symbolizes the equality of each member of the family. It's an important moment of the day because the whole family is gathered together and they speak about life,dreams and future.

  13. Barbie Doll
    This poem represents the sad reality today. Because of the society think girls aren't pretty and skinny enough they believe it and they want to change their faces and their bodies and end up by hurting themselves. Sometimes women forget how beautiful and important are in this life.

  14. The estrangement of "Jamaica Kincaid". It's a really sad story. The fact that her own mother doesn't give the love and care she deserves can't be explained. We see this when her mother says to her " your life is a silly one". Here we do not see the close relationship that some mothers have with their daughters. She was admired by everyone except her own children who really knew how she really was. And i like the fat that she doesn't behave with her own children as her mother did with her. She showes her love and careness at every moment possible

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  16. The Estrangement by Jamaica Kincaid is a powerful writing.This text is about the relationship mother-daughter and between the sister and her younger brothers. In the past the mother had a good relationship with her children. But 3 years before her death she decided not to speak to her again. The reason why she did that was about the fact that the mother never supported her daughter and never believed in her.
    Also here we have the eternity issue. Although her biologic father has died, the new husband of her mother really loved her and supported her. The brothers that she has , eve though they have not the same father are strongly connected to each other. After her mother's death and one of her brothers she became a sister and mother to the other 2 brothers.

  17. 'The Estrangement' by Jamaica Kincaid
    I do believe that she unconsciously miss her mother. She find her in herself and this is something she did not accept and because of that she use to say often 'Eternity'. She clearly express that she never would share eternity with her but she is also afraid of not spending this 'eternity' with her children too. Will they spend the eternity with her??.

  18. Perhaps the World Ends Here
    Kitchen means family, spending time together and this poem is refer to a round table family with all the colors of life, with respectively rights and obligations, supporting each other. The kitchen is the base because without it, than it would be difficult to survive from starving. Parents came from a different methods of parenthood and they are not going to support those methods but totally the opposite of them. They will raise their children to become human being first. men and women of worth without distinctions about such differences in gender!

  19. "The Estrangement" by Jamaica Kincaid
    There is treated a bad relationship between her and her mother.Her mother didn't beleive that she will achieve a lot of things and she wanted to be or to do what her mother wanted not what she wanted for herself. When her mother died she says that she didn't miss her but I firmly beleive that yess she does, she miss her but she don't want to admit that because if the hate that they had for each other.
