Monday, March 5, 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018

We are born to be equal!!
Don't let the color of our skin to make a difference between us...

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The best lines ever said by a man:
When i was born, a woman was there to hold me. MY MOTHER
As i grew up as a child, a woman was there to play with me. MY SISTER
I went to school, a woman was there to help me learn. MY TEACHER
I needed comparability, company and love, a woman was there for me. MY WIFE
I became tough, a woman was there to melt me. MY DAUGHTER
When I will die, a woman will be there to absorb me in it. MOTHERLAND
If you are a woman, you should be proud to be One.


In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens by Alice Walker 

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison,%20The%20-%20Toni%20Morrison.pdf

Beloved   by Toni Morrison

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I know why the caged bird sings
The title refers to the lack of freedom.
This is the story told by the protagonist as a narration of Marguerite and Bailey Johnson left at the early age by their parents to live in parental grandmother. They came at Stamps Arkansas in the middle of the Negro area by train when Marguerite was only three and her brother four. They grew up by their grandmother “Momma” as she called her. And her Momma had a store in the village and managed it with her other son who was somehow disable.
They work a lot and Momma is a kind of mobile lunch counter.  The girl grew up loving the books especially Shakespeare but she won’t tell to her Momma because he is white even if he is dead. Momma had some rules for them they were mostly commandment ‘Not to be dirty and not to be impudent’. No matter the temperatures outside, they have to wash their faces, arms and feet before going to bed. Poor who dare do disobey those rules. But the question that Marguerite made herself was why Momma let those white dirty girls being so impudent to her and after leaving she said to them ‘Miz’ and calling by their names. It was contradictory. But Momma has always said to Marguerite and Bailey: ‘the less say to white-folk the better’’.  
Momma is strong enough even when they  have thought about her as cowardly and not respond to the mocking of white people but she says just that she is realistic and it was for that she had managed to stand before ‘them’ until the present days. Also with a little boast she repeats the fact that she was the only woman called Mrs. And a woman who possesses a store and managed it by her own.
The novel is about the persecution of Negros even in their home. It is said that the white in their village were so ‘’prejudiced that a Negro couldn’t buy a vanilla ice-cream except for the fourth July.  They had to be satisfied with chocolate.’’(Chapter 6, p 46). Even in the simply things of life they have to be treated by their colour. The racism is a strong emotion in the novel and it is treated in the eyes of a thirteen year old girl. This feeling make her sometimes ‘escapes’ in a fairy world where she had white colour skin and fairy hair with blue eyes. She finds the colour of the skin as ‘guilty’ of prohibiting a lot of basic things. She was a literary girl because she reads lots of books and had another perspective to see the world. And this was not likeable.
The return to her father was another chapter on her life. A father who she thought about him as being dead because there could not have other reason of letting her unknown about him. Bailey was more affected by the arrival of father and excited to know their mother. It was not the same for Maya. She hated to move away from that nest and go to another world where she felt of not belonging to.
She became raped from the partner of her mother Mr. Freeman. What kind of ironic is expressed by his name as a freeman. Free to do what he wants. After hearing about her rapist had been kicked to death she decided to stop talking because it was for the words that came out her mouth that man found the death. So she felt guilty and blamed herself for what happened to him.  It was because of her teacher Mrs. Flowers who encouraged her of getting use of the words. It was long way of recovering her from that experience and to gain self-confident. After being graduated from high school she becomes a mother. Maybe finally she could be the mother she never had.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Week XII

Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit: Essays on Native American Life Today
By Leslie Marmon Silko

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

“Hidden Figures”, is a biographical film released in 2016 in the USA. In this film, we deal with two kinds of discriminations, racial and gender one. This is a very inspiring movie, that shows that we can achieve what we want in life, only when we have a strong determination.
  There are three main characters in this movie. The three of them are Afro-American women that work in the NASA’s company. Katherine Johnson, is the human computer, Dorothy is the supervisor of the colored women’s section, and Mary, the engineer. These women are extremely intelligent and with a strong will for gaining their rights as equal human beings they are. They are discriminated for their skin color, even though they obviously, especially Catherine, are the most capable ones in this department. The staff  are under the pressure of the Russians to send the first astronaut into space. All of them are trying hard to make the right calculations to reach their goal, but the only one who made it was Catherine , which was a surprise for everyone there. Everything for the “colored” women in the staff was separate from the rest. Even the most basic and simple things, like bathrooms or the teapot were separate for “colored” and white women on the department. Harrison was the head of the NASA, and in the same time the “hero” because he was the only one who supported Catherine. 

 In all, what I like in this movie and find it worthy to watch , is these women’s courage to fight against the flow and to take the credits of their hard work. It is a movie that keeps you attached and the actions flow so naturally. There are two phrases that grabbed my attention. The first one, sounds very funny when Mr. Harrison says “here at NASA, we all pee the same color”, but it shows that we all are equal. The second one is a phrase of Catherine “and it’s not because we wear skirts, but because we wear glasses”, meaning that women can be as intelligent as men are, even more. I really enjoyed it!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Week XI

Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 

Take Control of Your Future

Taraji P. Henson: Take Control of Your Future

Actress Taraji Henson discusses her hard road to success, and urges people to ignore the naysayers and chase their dreams, because our future is always in our hands.
Pakistan's Iron Lady Muniba Mazari will tell you why failure is an option, but giving up is not

 This video is about a girl named Meghan Markle on the moment she .realized the power of her voice. When she was at school there were shown on TV a commercial with the tagline for a dish washing liquid  named " Women all over America are fighting greasy and pots and pans" and then two boys of her class said :Yeah , that's where women belong, in the kitchen", She says that she felt shocked and she decided that if she wanted her voice to be heard she started to write letters, And the first letter she wrote was to ' Hilary Clinton and to her surprise she received letters of encouragement from her. Then was when the understood the power of her voice ,the power of women voice. As she says it is not enough talk about equality . One must believe it. And it is not enough to simply believe in it. ONE MUST WORK ON IT. 

Worked by:Rozeta Bushati 
                    Hidden figures 
In this movie we have three women that work in NASA. They was Mary, Dorothy, and Katherine . This movie is based in true life story. They were more than human brain but like computer brain or more than that. Greatest mind tasked with calculating. 
This movie is full of interesting facts that anyone of us should know them. The three women that represent African American women female mathematicians that serves as a brain behind the greatest operation is Us history. But they were all the time in their work. We have a clear gender inequality, sexism,because were man on the top so all of them were man so the Katherine was the one that was a women. Also racism they were all the time judged for everything and they don't have even a bathroom or coffe for them wasn't allowed.
But I loved a lot the courage that has this three women to handle everything and they did it very well it they achieve the top . There the chiefs in the end of the movie that started to serve them.  They never give up in their work but they has enough knowledge to be in the top. In the end of the movie they started to be respectful from everyone there. 
I would highly recommend it to anyone because is worthy to see it as soon as possible. To learn more about that issue that is present even now in the present days a lot. But if we are clever enough we shouldn't be scared from anyone in the world except God and we shouldn't give up but to conquer the world.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Love your mum Guys!!!! She is the most adorable woman in the world.
Irisa Llangozi
Date 12.01.2018
Movie Review
Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures is a dramatic film that took place in the 1967 years, when in America it was a big discrimination of Negro people especially women. This great film tells us about three best friends women  how they fight for their rights and how they achieve it. This film is based on true life stories of these three women.

Katherine the main character is a mathematician who calculate data for her job at NASA’s “Colored Computer” division. She works every day hard in an office with white men even though they discriminate her  by not drink coffe in the same cup or not go to the same bathrom as white woman do. Dorothy who work as a supervisor without being payed. She prove that she is qualified to be the first employee  supervisor of color in the space program and after she fix the IBM  computer together with her girls she code the IBM mainframe. Mary is an black engineer  woman that despite the dificulties they show her she achieve it by convicing the judge that he would be the first judge in the history that would allow a black woman to follow those night courses that she need to be an engineer.  After katherine rais her voice of the descrimination she was done there was the start for her rights when her boss break the table for separated section of bathrom and for the cups of coffe.

This film is worth to see because it will inspire everyone especially women how ti fight for  their rights despite gender, race, color or origin. We are all equal and we should be treated like this. It is an amazing film.

Hideen Figgures's Review

   Hidden figures Is a film that really gives a very interesting and important message. The message that is treated in that film has been a very important and a big issue among the past but if you notice there in some places it is existent even nowdays. 
   In that movie we have 3 black woman that were fightining for their rights and at least that they were looking for was a worklplace. Catherine was that one who became part of NASA's company. She was a very smart woman and her job was based on Computing and landind in space. But she had to suffer to many discriminations at her workplace she was not permited to use the women's bathroom she wasnt allowed to drink coffe from the same cups that they were using and so on. The same happened even with her two other frineds Dorothy that had dreamt about becoming a supervisor on the company but she was not taking that charge even she was doning the job of it. Even The third girl was sufferi g the same she tried to find a job but despite university they reauired some other Courses and then she decided to enter a university where no any black person had done before. But despite those obstacles they could afford ti. 
    When catherine was computing some figures then all the members of the staf got stunned as how she could do them but despite the fact that they didint like her they gave the credir to her and that was something very good for her because at the moment that she was sacked and the guy that was going to land the space said that i won't do it if you are not going to take into consideration  her figures. 
 In the end it seems that they could break every barrier despite the descrimination they had.  Catherine earned the job again Dorothy became a supervisor and Mary could finish the university.
     I would really highly recommend this movie to watch because there are going to learn that people are so different in what they may seem you are going to learn that they are ready to give their best for the whole society and most important is that there is no distinction between gender and race and colour when it comes to intelligence. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Anxhela Kola                                                                                                        First draft
Group A
January 11. 2018
Movie review
“Hidden Figures”

Hidden Figures is a film of three women who worked for NASA. They served as “human computers” doing mathematics and engineering tasks. They also send one astronaut man John Glenn into Orbit. 
Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson are three smart and strong women which worked at NASA’s Langley Research Center. Al Harrison, the director of The Space Task Group, needed someone to help NASA with calculations which want to be greater than Russians. Katherine is assigned to his man team. Everyone didn’t take her seriously, and they thought that a black woman can’t do it. All of them judged her because of her black color. Everything was separated for her like: bathroom, drinks, coffee etc. She remained for everything, until one day she raised her voice for her rights. She proved them wrong, and she did the best job from all of them.
So, I would recommend this film to all the people, because it’s worthy to see. It helps you to be more open-minded and not to judge colored people, but to respect them as human beings. They have their rights too, as we do. This film also helps us to be more determined and not to give up for anything, because nothing is impossible.
Manjola Hoxholli                                                                                             First draft
January, 12. 2018
Group A
Movie Review
"Hidden Figures"

    "Hidden Figures", an awesome movie based on true historical facts about three colored women who made the story by challenging the biggest obstacle of gender and also of racism. Katherine Johson (played by Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (played by Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (played by Janelle Moae) worked ad NASA; they are brillant mathematicians and work under the barriers of absurde protocol of not lettin them to do their job openly. The movie is directed by Theodore Melfi, released on December 2016, and with a cast of brillant actors awarded with different prizes in Motion Picture.
     The movie begins with a little pretty colored girl at the age of 11, who holds the talent of figures and mathematical abilities, this pretty girl is the main protagonist of the movie, Katherine, who with her two other friends Dorothy and Mary worked at segregate division West Area Computing in Virginia. Women were determined and well supply with a sense of humor also with strength to bear with such tension circumstances. They aspiring success despite the obstacles presented of being black color women. The spaceas separated among white-people and black-people without mixing them. so being black poeple mean to be under the pressure of living a life with some restricted area, using certain means of transports, not feeling the freedom and not having the same rights as the white people. If this situation is such for black people, imagine of being black and being woman too. So the division among race is added the division among gender.
   Because of this absurde division Katherine everyday, was forced to walk a half-mile to another building to use the colored people's bathroom. She was assigned to assist Al Harrison team because of her skills in analytic geometry.  She became the firt woman on the team and farther more the black one. After being aware of teh situation of the restroom Al Harrison (played by Kevin Kostner), abolished bathroom segregation stating that: "We all pee the same color"! This abolishment was also in the ules because he allowed Katherine to be included in their meetings, because he believed in her skills and because he saw her motivation and her ability of "hidden figures". Despite this Katherine was forced to remove her name from the reports.
    Mary, another determined woman who aimed to become an engineer went to court and "grabbed" the permission of the judge to attend night classes in a school of white people. She used the argument of being the first and succeeded even her husband admitted defeat before he and declare his suppot in her biggest challenge. And at he end but not the last Dorothy, the other capable and brillant woman who worked with numbers converted them for a maschine. She aspired to became a supervisor but this position were not allowed to black women, but it was for her ability that she not only obtained the position but also she managed to bring her girls, the other black women who worked with her at the segregated area. In this way she broke the segregated division of West Area Computers.
    "Hidden Figures" is the best movie represeted the true facts of a story. Hidden figures, is for the numbers of Mathematics who Katherine found and made possible to br,ing home the astronaut, but also for the figures of the women who worked "unknown" for their work. The play of the cast is ic and also brillant and very realist and it touches some crucial aspects such as gender and racism. Theme of the movie can be strongly a call to the humanity because we seem to forget about the most fundamental concept of being human. We cannot pretend to seek emancipation when we do not respect the most basic and important right that of respecting human as a person and not by dhe differences of gender, race and class. We all have the same rights regardless of ethnical. gender, color or any other type of division.