Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Week XIV and Week XV

Jhumpa Lahiri Selections 

1 comment:

  1. 'A Temporary Mater' The couple, the electricity and the sorrow. This triangle makes the story in connectivity to each other as something that lead to a new usage. Because the electricity go out at the evening the couple tried to tear their silence created after their child's death.Because of losing contact to themselves they started to find a way to break this silence and telling their secrets. It was the revelation of gender of the child that makes Shoba crying out all the sadness accumulated for long time. Their relationship was broke after the lost of the baby. The closed themselves in work and merely see each other in order to avoid the eye contact. It was because they could not found communication and close the words inside their heads and left them to deal with it. Now because of this electricity problem they little by little started to flow some words which lead to some secrets which lead to some connection and so on since to the cry out their sorrow.
