Friday, February 2, 2018

so sad about those facts


  1. Yes it is true ..most girls all over the country are uneducated for different reasons, for not have enough money, for their unknown mentality. This should be stop, girls should be educated to prevent early marriage or early birth.

  2. Gender equal is so important in a society if a society want to grow up they need to have a gender equal. The first thing we have to change is to educate the same girls and boys. Girls should have the same opportunity like boys.Preventing the early marriage is so important too because if they get married earlyer they close a lot of windows to their life.

  3. I think that education has no gender.Girls should have the same rights as the boys but in the poor countries this thing don’t exist because they have a bad mentality. They think it is better to marry their children at a earlier age but this is the biggest mistake that they can do. They should let free their children to make the choices for their life.

  4. In following you will find some more sad facts that proves girls and women everywhere deserves to live a beter world than exists today:
    1)Each minute 28 girls are married before they are ready
    2)1 in 3 women have experienced physical or sexual violence at some point in their lifetime
    3)63 million girls still need to go to school
    4)There are approximately 781 million illiterate adults worldwide – two-thirds of whom are women
    5) In most countries, women only earn between 60 and 75% of men’s wages - for the same work :(
